The 10 Commandements for Endurance Athletes

Endurance sport is a religion and here are it’s comandements πŸ˜‰

1. You should have a target race, to stay motivated.

2. You should have a plan, to nail down your target race.

3. You should have a dedicated training time, to nail down your training plan.

4. You should have consistency in your training, otherwise most of your training is useless.

5. You should rest, since you build and repair muscles in this phase.

6. You should eat a balanced diet, cause otherwise you can’t fuel your training or get the nutrients to build a stronger body.

7. You should sleep, cause sleep is the most important factor of rest.

8. You should stick to your training paces, or you will just over- or underdo it.

9. You should treat the cause of your injurys, since you want to be a long term athlete.

10. You should mind about your own power, not your equipment. Cause your equipment does not make you stronger πŸ˜‰
What are your commandements? Did I miss one?

15 responses to “The 10 Commandements for Endurance Athletes

  1. No, you did not miss a single one! These apply to all sports across the board and I have had to remind myself of all of them when I am running, climbing and even in yoga! Great list, thanks for putting it together!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. only one extra thought, when doing an event take time to talk to and thank marshall’s and other competitors as without them there would not be an event.

    Oh and try not to crash, injuries stuff most of your list.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 11. You should make sure that you enjoy what you are doing – otherwise all the training will seem like a chore

    12. You should make sure you set realistic objectives for race day – you are not Mo Farrah, Dean Karnazes, Scott Jurek, Bradley Wiggins or Mark Cavendish.

    Great post. Thanks for sticking them up there.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Number 9 speaks volume! While so many of us are die hard athletes and addicted to fitness, it is so important to take care of injuries so that we don’t carry the pains forever! Great tips.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love number 10. One of my cycling buddies is all about the gear. I still haven’t got everything I can out of the basics that I have. I usually tell him I’ll work on the chassis after I’ve got the engine working properly.

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